With the darkness of the world growing exponentially, this week we must turn our attention to the only one who saves - that is Christ Jesus.
You may know about scholars agreeing that Jesus was not born in December.
You may believe that Christians took over pagan holidays in order to spread the gospel.
This notion is also wrong, but those details are for another time.
What IS true is what is recorded in the gospels about the birth of Jesus.
Really think about this scene. WOW!
Imagine all around you appears a multitude of divine beings - residents of the spirit realm that God created, all praising Him for the arrival of the Savior of humanity, the ONE who will reverse and CONQUER the powers of darkness that oppress, bind, and burden mankind.
Jesus did not simply solve the problem of sin and the legal restrictions it puts on us so that we can be part of the kingdom of God.
He reversed the powers of darkness and broke the hold of evil that the powers, principalities, and authorities had over territories!!
The heavenly host were not merely praising God for His loving kindness towards man, but also His triumph over evil - PERMANENTLY!
I want you to really get this. Every aspect of Jesus, from the timing of His first coming to His birth, to each detail of His earthly ministry signaled to the powers of darkness that they are done. Their authority has been stripped away, and Jesus reclaimed every inch of lost ground back under the authority of Our Father.
Then He transferred that authority to US! WOAH!!
Aaannndd…. THEY KNOW THIS!
Do you??
Does all of that warrant a massive celestial celebration at its beginning? You betcha!
“Sing, all ye citizens of heav’n above!”
The One who deserves an entrance like this - an entrance fit only for the King of kings and Lord of lords - loves YOU so much that he took the penalty for YOUR transgressions. You are THAT IMPORTANT TO GOD.
At this time of year, take time to reflect on who God is; not only on who He is relative you, personally. But on the vast, almost unthinkable nature of His being across eternity.
It is HIS kingdom we represent and advance, because the kingdom of darkness is evil, chaotic, and a perversion of the One who establishes justice with mercy and grace.
He was born as a man to take care of spiritual problems forever. The end has been declared from the beginning.
The end is determined. It’s already known, but not yet realized.
So for this time in the year, let us reflect on how powerful God is to condescend to come to earth as a most vulnerable human.
A small baby who was entrusted with a special earthly family. WOW!
Be still and know that He is God.
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Wonderful! Thanks for sharing Anita!
Beautiful post. I think where I get stuck sometimes is the difference between natural time and God’s time. Those powers & principalities know they will ultimately lose, but they aren’t going down without a fight. I have no idea if I will see His victory in this natural world or from the other side, but I know I will see it. But the empath in me becomes overwhelmed sometimes; especially when the evil involves children